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📢 Exciting Updates from DRS & A Peek Behind The Curtain 🚀

Join Our New Weekly Newsletter About… You Guest It! Newsletters!

Introducing ImpactLetter.

Yes, I Want To Learn About Newsletters!

Hey there, Direct Response Family!

It's me, Zachary J. Radford, coming to you not with our usual weekly dose of marketing gold, but with something a bit different today. 🌟

First off, I've noticed some of you reached out wondering where last Wednesday's episode was.

Huge thanks for that – it means the world to me that you're tuning in and missing us when we're not around. It shows me just how much you value what we do here.

And for that, I'm super grateful. 🙏

Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty of today's message.

We're shaking things up a bit at Direct Response Secrets. No, we're not going anywhere – far from it.

But we are tweaking our schedule to a once-a-month show for the time being. Why, you ask?

Well, there's a whole lot of behind-the-scenes action happening that I'm about to share with you. So, buckle up! 🚀

It all started in 2022 when, despite our booming business, we hit a major snag – our Facebook account got banned.

Overnight, our revenue stream was in jeopardy.

Despite all efforts, we couldn't recover the account. It was a harsh lesson, but one that led me down an unexpected, yet incredible path.

I dabbled in selling the business, only to realize its value was perceived as less than I expected.

This was a wake-up call.

I realized the true value wasn't in a service-based business reliant on one platform or person but in building something with wider impact.

Enter the world of newsletters.

Despite my initial resistance, I dove headfirst into the world of newsletter creation and direct response marketing, achieving open rates that would make any marketer's heart skip a beat.

This journey transformed me from a guy running an agency to a recognized authority in the marketing world, opening doors I never imagined.

And so, Direct Response Secrets was born out of a passion for sharing this invaluable knowledge.

Yet, as my journey evolved, so too did my focus.

The creation of Impact Letter – a weekly newsletter dedicated to the art and science of newsletters – has become my new calling.

It's where I pour my heart and soul, sharing breakdowns, strategies, and the very essence of what makes newsletters a powerful tool in today's digital world.

This brings us to our big announcement:

Direct Response Secrets will shift to a monthly format for the foreseeable future.

This isn't goodbye; it's just a new chapter.

We have some incredible interviews lined up that you won't want to miss.

And in between, I'll be dedicating my time to Impact Letter, helping you and many others dominate your industries through the power of newsletters.

I'm beyond excited for this new direction and the opportunity it presents to both learn and share even more with you.

The future is bright, and it's filled with impactful newsletters and the continuation of our Direct Response Secrets journey, albeit at a slightly different pace.

Thank you for being the best part of this journey.

Your support fuels my passion and drives me to continue delivering content that makes a real difference.

Stay tuned for the amazing content we have in store, and don't forget to join us over at Impact Letter for your weekly dose of newsletter wisdom.

Here's to embracing change and the endless possibilities it brings!

Warm regards,

Zachary J. Radford

P.s. And always remember… Keep your stick on the ice! Talk soon!

Discussion about this podcast

Direct Response Secrets
Direct Response Secrets
What Is Direct Response Marketing? Why Is Advertising So Important? How Much Should Your Marketing Budget Be? You have questions… We have answers!
I'm your host, Zachary J. Radford. I went from making just $23,987 a year working a job I hated to becoming a renowned author in direct response, publishing some of the largest newsletters in the space, and consulting on over $100m in advertising & marketing throughout my career.
I can tell you one thing for certain.
Marketing & Advertising is changing!
In fact, it’s changing faster than ever before. The way we make purchasing decisions, the level of sophistication in buyers and the tactics we use!
In this podcast I bring your weekly masterclass from the smartest mind in marketing, advertising and direct response.
Together we will laugh (and cry), share stories and learn what it means to be a successful direct response marketer! Hit the subscribe button to join our journey into the world of direct response marketing!
Ready to make business simple, predictable, and fun? No webinars, No sales funnel, No gurus, just real, honest insights from some of the smartest minds in marketing & advertising. Let's dive in!