Direct Response Secrets
Direct Response Secrets
Path To 7-Figures

Path To 7-Figures

It's Time To Become A 7-Figure Earner 📈

Hey Fellow Direct Marketer, 

Zachary J. Radford here, eager to share another issue of our Direct Response Secrets newsletter.

Want to become a 7-Figure Earner? I Got you… Here is the exact path that I have used to help 53+ businesses surpass $1,000,000 In online sales! And you can have it for FREE!

I’m giving you the key to becoming a 7-figure earner in your business — or any business, for that matter!

We are going to be diving into what stage you are at and what you should be focusing on.

And breaking down the most important step you need to consider when scaling to 7-figures and beyond.

You can run all the ads you want; if you don’t have these processes in place, you will be wasting mad cash!

Alright, let's get it…

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The 7-Figure Earner Path

Let's start by identifying your business phase:

Startup Phase: This is the initial phase where you work on developing your idea into a tangible product or service, identifying your target audience, and validating your business concept. It's all about taking your business from concept to reality.

Pre-revenue (Pre-Launch):

Focus: Who, Problem & Attention. Identifying market problems & unique value propositions. Understanding your target customer's pain points and how your product or service provides a solution.

Revenue under $100,000:

Focus: Buyer Lead Generation. Attracting potential customers through various marketing channels. Concentrate on building brand awareness and creating initial interest in your product/service.

Momentum Phase: After your idea is validated and you've demonstrated product-market fit, it's time to pick up the pace. This phase is all about scaling your operations, expanding your market reach, and driving fast growth.

Revenue $100,000 - $500,000:

Focus: Conversion Path. Now that you have buyer leads, focus on strategies to convert them into customers. Implement effective sales processes, improve your product presentation, and refine your call-to-action messages. This includes on-site conversion rate optimization as well. 

Revenue $500,000 - $1 million:

Focus: Offer Price, Frequency & Delivery. Reassess your pricing strategy to ensure it matches the perceived value of your product/service. Optimize your delivery process for efficiency, and explore opportunities to sell more frequently to your customers.

Optimization Phase: At this point, your business is established, and it's time to make it the best it can be. The optimization phase involves refining your processes, improving efficiency, increasing profitability, and strengthening customer relationships. You'll be looking for ways to optimize every aspect of your business for both the short and long term.

Revenue $1 million - $10 million:

Focus: Frequency & Retention. Increase the rate at which you're selling to existing customers (frequency) and concentrate on customer retention strategies. Work on building customer loyalty through aligned continuity offers. 

Revenue $10 million+: Which I’m not experienced enough to speak on. I have only helped one company get past $10 million and I’m not 100% sure what I was doing had the full impact of the result. If you are past $10m in revenue, I recommend you find someone who has achieved this multiple times. I will someday, just not yet! :) 

Let’s dive a litter deeper into each step:

Start-Up Phase

1. Who

Who do you specifically help?

Every market is made up of different people, mindsets and beliefs.

Some like to buy the best, while others want to save money.

Not all customers are created equal.

Example for a physical product:

If you sell engagement rings.

On the low side of the market, there will be customers who will only be able to spend $5000 on an engagement ring.

On the high end of the market, there will be customers that will spend $100,000+ on an engagement.

To very different markets, but both still want to get married.

Example of a digital product/service:

On the low end of the market, there will be customers who want just free info and never have an entente to buy. (Mindset)

On the high end of the market, there will be customers who will gladly pay $100k for a consultant to add $1m to their business. 

The way you speak to these two markets is completely different, and the biggest problem I see from entrepreneurs is that they try to talk to everyone in the market.

And the problem with this is that everyone is not a person. 

Trying to speak with everyone will not resonate with anyone.

The number one thing customers want to see is that you see them and understand them.

2. Problem

What problem is your business solving? 

If you don’t have a clear problem that your business solves, it’s going to be hard to speak directly to speak to the pain points your market is facing.

And not all problems are created equal.

Example 1: A "Waste of Time" Problem to Solve

Who: Professionals who are working from home.

Problem: These professionals are often overwhelmed with the amount of non-essential emails they receive daily. This distracts them from focusing on essential work, resulting in a waste of time. They desire an efficient way to manage their inbox without missing important emails.

Outcome: An $8/M App 10,416.66 customer with a sick rate of 12 months to hit 7-figures.

Example 2: A Problem That Would Allow You to Charge a Lot of Money

Who: C-level executives at large corporations.

Problem: These executives need to make strategic decisions to sustain their company's growth and profitability. However, they often struggle to leverage the massive amounts of data their companies generate fully.

Outcome: $120k/Y contract… You need 10 customers to hit 7-figures

3. Attention 

What messages does your market need to see to get their attention?

Your goal is to make your free content better than their paid content, Give everything way, and a percentage will come to you for help.

Two forms of content you can use to build an organic audience.

The platform you go with depends on your preferred modality. Writing, Audio, Video etc.

Short form content: This would be platforms such as Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.

Physical Product Example:

Product: Environmentally friendly, fashionable sneakers.

Platform: Instagram (Focus on visually appealing, compelling imagery and brief compelling captions)

Message: Post vibrant photos of the sneakers in different settings and on different people, demonstrating their versatility. Use captions to emphasize the eco-friendliness, such as "Step into a greener future with our 100% recycled material sneakers" or "Fashion meets sustainability. Be a part of the solution, not pollution."

Digital/Service Example:

Service: AI-powered email management system.

Platform: Twitter (Short, impactful messages)

Message: Tweet user testimonials, short video clips of the system in action, and quick tips for managing email overload. A message could be: "Reclaim your productivity with our AI-powered email assistant. No more email overload."

Long-form content: This would be more owned media such as a podcast, youtube channel or newsletter.

Physical Product Example:

Product: Environmentally friendly, fashionable sneakers.

Platform: YouTube (Video content showcasing the product and its benefits)

Message: Create a series of videos that showcase the production process to underline the environmental benefits, user testimonials, and different ways to style the sneakers. A video title could be: "The Journey of Your Sustainable Sneakers: From Recycled Materials to Your Feet."

Digital/Service Example:

Service: AI-powered data analytics and decision support system.

Platform: Podcast (In-depth discussions about data management, decision making, and the role of AI)

Message: Host a podcast series interviewing industry leaders about the importance of data-driven decision making, and discuss case studies where your system has made a significant impact. An episode could be titled: "Data-Driven Decisions: How AI Transforms the Way We Do Business."

Momentum Phase

4. Unique Mechanism 

How do you achieve the desired result? 

The step-by-step process on how you get the result for your customers.

Physical Product Example:

Product: High-tech water purifier for home use.

Mechanism: The unique mechanism lies in our 5-stage purification process:

  • Pre-filter Stage: Removes large contaminants, protecting the subsequent filters from premature clogging.

  • Activated Carbon Filter: Removes chlorine and other chemical contaminants, improving taste and odor.

  • Reverse Osmosis Membrane: Eliminates the majority of microscopic contaminants, including heavy metals and pathogens.

  • Post Carbon Filter: A final filtration step to ensure the water is clean and tastes great.

  • UV Sterilization: Uses ultraviolet light to kill any remaining bacteria or viruses, ensuring 99.99% purified water.

The result? Our customers get clean, safe, and great-tasting water right at their home.

Digital/Service Example:

Service: Social media marketing agency for local businesses.

Mechanism: Our unique mechanism involves a comprehensive, data-driven, and personalized social media strategy:

  • Client Discovery: We start by understanding the client's business, target audience, and goals.

  • Market Research: We conduct extensive research to understand industry trends, competition, and audience behavior.

  • Strategy Development: We formulate a personalized social media strategy, deciding on the best platforms to use, types of content to create, and the optimal posting schedule.

  • Content Creation & Management: We create engaging content and manage the client's social media accounts, including posting content and responding to comments or messages.

  • Analytics & Reporting: We analyze performance data and provide the client with easy-to-understand reports on campaign effectiveness. We also use this data to optimize the strategy continuously.

The result? Our clients see improved brand visibility, increased engagement, and more leads generated from their social media channels, leading to a higher ROI for their marketing efforts.

5. Buyer Leads

What is something that you can sell that will help them achieve their desired outcome faster?

These are the low-ticket items or Introductory offers that your business sells. Not lead magnets.

A buyer lead is someone who gives you money for a low-ticket offer.

The purpose of this offer is to give your customers a taste of what it is like to do business with you and your business. For you, this is a clear sign that they might be interested in taking you up on your higher ticket offers.

Physical Product Example: A company selling high-quality, eco-friendly kitchen appliances could offer a discounted starter pack. This pack could include essential items such as a blender, toaster, and kettle. This bundle gives customers a taste of the product line and can potentially lead to them purchasing more items from the brand in the future.

Digital/Service Example: A digital marketing consultancy could offer an introductory course on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. This course would provide value by teaching businesses how to boost their online presence, thus demonstrating the consultancy's expertise and potentially attracting customers for more comprehensive, higher-cost services.

6. Conversion

What path does this customer need to take to buy my high-ticket offer?

The next Issue is all about this, and I go into great detail of how to map out your conversion path.

A conversion path is a process or journey that a prospective customer goes through, from being a visitor to becoming a paying customer or user of a product or service.

Physical Product Example: High-End Custom Furniture

Awareness: Prospective customers might become aware of your custom furniture brand through a feature in a luxury home design magazine or an online ad showcasing a beautifully crafted piece of furniture.

Interest: They visit your website to browse your gallery of custom furniture and subscribe to your newsletter to get updates on new designs and collections.

Consideration: They request a catalog or schedule a visit to your showroom to see the craftsmanship and quality of your furniture in person. They may also compare your furniture with other high-end brands.

Intent: The prospect requests a quote for a custom piece or adds a product to their online shopping cart.

Evaluation: They review the quote, check delivery and assembly details, review your warranty and return policies, or compare prices with other luxury brands one last time.

Purchase: The customer places an order for their custom piece or completes their online purchase.

Retention/Advocacy: After their purchase, you provide excellent customer service, including updates on the creation and delivery of their custom piece. Upon delivery, you request a review or referral, and you continue to engage them with newsletters featuring new collections or offers.

Digital/Service Example: Business Coaching Service

Awareness: Prospective clients might hear about your business coaching services through a referral, a LinkedIn post, or a targeted ad.

Interest: They visit your website to learn more about your services, credentials, and success stories. They sign up for your email list to receive free business tips and resources.

Consideration: They attend a free webinar or workshop you host, giving them a sample of your coaching style and the value you provide.

Intent: The prospect schedules a free initial consultation to discuss their business challenges and goals.

Evaluation: They review the proposal you send after the consultation, including the coaching package details, pricing, and potential ROI. They might compare your proposal with other coaches they are considering.

Purchase: The client decides to hire you as their business coach and pays for their chosen coaching package.

Retention/Advocacy: After their coaching program is completed, they might choose to continue working with you, or if they've reached their goal, they leave a testimonial and refer you to other business owners in their network. You continue to engage them with valuable content, such as newsletters or exclusive alumni resources.

7. Offer 

What does your customer truly desire, and what is the transformation you provide?

The desired outcome. If you know what your market truly wants, they will pay whatever you want to get it.

What you deliver to your customer has very little to do with the offer itself. 

Physical Product Example: High-end sports equipment company: Their customers, competitive athletes, truly desire to enhance their performance and have an edge over their competitors. The company's offer could be a state-of-the-art tennis racket, made with unique technology and materials that provide superior control and power. The price point is high, but athletes are willing to pay for the potential performance improvement.

Digital/Service Example: A cybersecurity consultancy firm: Their customers, typically large corporations, desire robust security systems to prevent data breaches that could cost millions and harm their reputation. The firm's offer is a comprehensive cybersecurity package, including risk assessment, system upgrades, employee training, and ongoing support. Despite the high cost, corporations are willing to invest to protect their valuable data.

8. Delivery

How am I going to deliver on my promises?

This is the products or services you provide to the customer after they pay. This the actual “work” that your company needs to do to help your customer achieve their goal.

Physical Product Example: The sports equipment company delivers their products via premium courier services, ensuring safe and fast delivery. After-sales support is provided through their customer service team, who can handle any issues or inquiries. The company also offers a membership program with benefits like exclusive access to new products, special discounts, and priority customer service.

Digital/Service Example: The cybersecurity firm delivers its services through a combination of on-site and remote operations. They first perform on-site assessments and system upgrades, then provide remote ongoing support and training via online platforms. They offer a secure client portal for customers to track progress, report issues, and access resources. Dedicated account managers are assigned to each client to ensure personalized, timely service.

9. Ascension 

How can I get my lead buyers to buy my high-ticket or high-margin offerings?

The ones that bought your lead magnet 🧲 are most likely to buy your more expensive products.

Physical Product Example: Following the Solo Stove example, a company selling high-end BBQ grills could use a similar strategy. Once a customer purchases a grill, the company could offer complementary high-margin items like premium grill covers, BBQ tool sets, or specialty cooking accessories. The purchase of these additional items significantly increases the customer's Lifetime Value (LTV).

Digital/Service Example: A financial advisory firm could sell an eBook or online course about investment strategies for a low price. After purchasing the book or course, customers gain a taste of the firm's expertise. The firm can then offer a high-ticket personalized financial planning service, where customers receive one-on-one advice tailored to their specific financial situation. This ascension model allows customers to experience the value of the service at a lower cost before committing to a more expensive, personalized service.

10. Frequency 

How can I sell more to my existing customers?

The more offers you make, the more sales you will make.

If you make 10x more offers today, you will make 10x the revenue.

Physical Product Example: A company selling eco-friendly personal care products could implement a subscription model, ensuring customers receive their favorite products regularly without having to place individual orders each time. Additionally, the company can leverage SMS marketing to send personalized offers, product recommendations, and reminders for replenishment.

Digital/Service Example: A digital marketing consultancy firm can send daily emails with tips and strategies for improving online presence. This not only provides value to the customers but also keeps the company at the top of their mind. Occasionally, these emails could include exclusive offers for their services or courses, increasing the chances of additional sales.

11. Retention 

How can I keep my customers for longer and Increase LTVs?

Keep the current customer you have and get them to spend more with you.  

Physical Product Example: A high-end cosmetics company could implement a loyalty program where customers earn points for each purchase. These points can be redeemed for discounts, special products, or exclusive experiences. By providing regular customers with extra value, the company increases the likelihood of them making repeat purchases, thus increasing the customer's Lifetime Value (LTV).

Digital/Service Example: A cloud-based project management software company could offer a continuity program. This could be in the form of a subscription service with different tiers, providing various levels of functionalities and services. Customers who invest in learning the system and integrating it into their workflow will find it more challenging to switch to a different platform due to the time and effort already invested. This 'stickiness' can lead to a long-term customer relationship, therefore increasing LTV.

The Math To 7-Figures

If you sell something for $1000, you are just 1000 sales away from $1,000,000 In sales. We will go deep into the math behind your campaigns but know that it’s only 20 sales a week to hit that goal.

If you were to double your price to “$2000,” you would only need 10 sales a week and so on. The higher the ticket, the easier it will be to hit your goal. Not saying to raise your prices haphazardly, but I do recommend you consider it! 

The Wrap Up

“A big business starts small.” - Richard Branson

As we wrap up this issue, let's remind ourselves that the path to seven figures and beyond is paved with creative strategies, tenacity, and unwavering dedication. Remember, the pursuit of becoming a 7-figure earner is not a sprint but a marathon, requiring constant learning, adaptation, and, most importantly, resilience.

Don't hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with new strategies and tactics. After all, the journey to seven figures is as much about learning and evolving as it is about achieving your financial targets.

Stay committed to your vision, embrace the journey, and soon you will be sharing your own seven-figure success story.

To your health & wealth,

Zachary J. Radford

Direct Response Marketer

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